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The two big operating systems to host on –

  1. Linux web hosting servers 
  2. Windows web hosting servers

What is Linux web hosting?

Linux is the most popular open-source operating system. Open source is an approach towards the development of free software with the intention of giving the user access to the source code. It means that the source code can be used or modified freely.

Advantages of Linux Web Hosting:

  • Linux hosting uses open source software which gives multiple hosting options.
  • In terms of security, Linux is much safer than other operating systems.
  • Linux web hosting is compatible with the most popular web hosting software and hardware. 

Disadvantages of Linux:

  • Linux for servers is more difficult and requires more expertise than Windows, including working with the command line and manually editing configuration files.
  • Linux hosting is not compatible with windows applications which can be a major issue if your company requires the use of windows based applications on a server.

What is Windows web hosting?

Windows is the most popular operating system in the world, however it is not nearly as popular for web servers as Linux. Windows hosting uses Windows Server as an operating system and offers Windows-specific technologies.

Advantages of Windows Hosting:

  • Microsoft Windows has made many advancements and changes which make it easier to use.
  • When using a popular web design program having windows hosting makes it a lot easier. You don’t have to worry if it supported or not.
  • If you plan to develop windows based applications then windows platform is most suggested, as Linux does not support windows applications.


  • Websites with a high volume of activity, especially eCommerce ventures, can have problems with Windows hosting
  • Windows servers require frequent rebooting to run properly.
  • Windows is not free like Linux, so Windows hosting tends to cost more.

Which Web Hosting is better?

While making a web hosting decision between the two operating systems, you must consider the needs of your website and the way it will be presented on the internet. If you have only a static website, then it does not matter which operating system you go for as both will serve your needs. If you have a dynamic website, work with forms and execute web applications, then Linux is probably better.

Both these web hosting platforms have impressive features when it comes to hosting. Linux and Windows operating systems have some things in common. Both the systems have easy, convenient and fast FTP tools to serve a wide range of file management functions. It is a matter of fact that these two web server platforms are functionally equivalent, it all depends on what are your hosting needs, and what you are most comfortable with.

But there are some differences between Linux and Windows hosting when it comes to stability, security, pricing, and database formats that can influence the functions of your hosting.

Linux allows for running scripts written in PHP, Python and other Unix-originated languages which are far more popular and lower cost or free.

Windows allows for running ASP scripts and .NET and other Microsoft technologies.

It would be economical to choose Linux Hosting if your website does not require any scripting support. But, if your website needs scripting and database support, you should choose the platform that supports the technologies you use.